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Studio10|【兵马俑奇妙夜】XR超感沉浸文博新体验 Ⅰ

原创 长期 09-26



Gazing upon the river of history, the Terra-cotta Warriors stand in silent vigil over the passage of time, bearing witness to the grandeur and achievements of Qin Dynasty civilization. No longer mere cold clay figures, they transcend the limitations of objects, becoming witnesses of time and spokespeople for history. Their presence bridges the past and the present, as if history itself finds continuity in these silent statues. Through this fusion of the visual and the historical, viewers are invited into a time both ancient and magnificent, to explore the legacy of civilization and the collective memory of humanity.


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沉浸式体验 艺术展 数字影像 中国风 视觉艺术

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