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TRACE REVERIE 循迹|飞扬萝卜原创公共装置交互影像作品系列——创作现场记录

原创 长期 2024-04-25



一直以来,关于宇宙的“真实性”,东西方学者在科学和哲学的层面皆有过相关论述。在西方宇宙学中,有一些理论如"人定律"(Anthropic Principle)和"调谐宇宙原理"(Fine-Tuning of the Universe Principle)试图解释,为什么宇宙中自然常数的值看起来是极具“巧合”的。


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For a long time, Eastern and Western scholars have engaged in relevant discussions on the "authenticity of the universe" in the scientific and philosophical field. In Western cosmology, there are some theories, such as the "Anthropic Principle" and the "Fine-Tuning of the Universe Principles," that try to explain why the values of natural constants in the universe seem to be highly "coincidental." Many scientific practitioners have done a lot of simulations and calculations on the impact of changes in natural constants:"If the vital force in the nucleus were increased just a little bit, hydrogen could turn into helium, and water wouldn't exist. If the vital force of nucleus becomes just decrease just a little, nuclear fusion will no longer occur, causing the death of the sun and other stars and plunging the universe into darkness ... ...

In other words, the natural constants in the universe must be just right to maintain the structure of the universe and life forms. Our existence, therefore, depends on a delicate balance of nature's constants; we can only exist if the constants happen to be these values. Looking back at this "too perfect" universe, one can't help but wonder: the universe may be a massive project based on many precise parameters. Similarly, Chinese philosophy also believes there are "regularities" in the universe. Chapter 25 of Laozi's Tao Te Ching states, "Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature." It means that everything in the universe follows the "laws" of nature. Like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the four seasons change, and everything cycles. Humans follow the laws and characteristics of the earth, the earth imitates the sky, and the sky uses Tao as the basis for its operation, and Tao comes naturally.






FYLB Digital Public Art creative Institution has been committed to exploring the philosophical connotation of Chinese culture and using this as a guide for artistic creation. In the process, our understanding of the complete system theory behind it has gradually deepened. Based on the concept of "harmony between man and nature" in Chinese cosmology and inspiration from Lao Zhuang's thoughts, we conducted a series of "thought experiments" on "time, space, and dimensions". Based on a lot of thinking and imagination, we hope that by constructing digital interactive visual works with artistic healing properties, we can introduce viewers to a higher-dimensional "cosmic project" and arouse viewers to think about the deeper meaning of life: Where do we come from? Where will we go? The answer may be visible when you look up.





此项目是飞扬萝卜长期创作序列的第二篇章。该项目结合中国古代天文学(Ancient Chinese astronomy),中国哲学(Chinese philosophy),将宇宙类比为巨大工程,二十八星宿类比为其底层代码。通过艺术疗愈式的数字艺术交互视觉作品,试图让观者在层层嵌套的“系统”中找寻某种规律作为生活的启示,解脱于日常生活的纷扰,达到内心的平衡。


"Trace Reverie" is a digital art experience that deeply integrates ancient Chinese astronomy and philosophy. Based on the concept of the "Two Instruments" system, it is presented in the form of a "spiral" and then integrated into the twenty-eight constellations of the sky and the concept of the "Four Symbols" drawn by the ancients, mapping the historical nodes of the universe onto the square spiral representing the "Four Symbols." As the music crescendos, a series of grand and epic cosmic narratives will unfold like a rising vortex. The viewer is immersed in it, and then it rotates and rises. In each spiral cycle, the viewer can see the subtle effects. This work is based on real-time interaction in local time, and the project is performed in four chapters with a cycle of 366 seconds (number of days in a leap year). The answer to the mystery runs through the 6-minute looping animation, requiring the audience to participate in piecing together the clues. In this way, we try to reveal the truth about the other side of the universe: everything follows laws, and the end is also the starting point.

This project is the second chapter in FYLB Digital Public Art creative Institution Trace Reverie series artwork. It combines Ancient Chinese astronomy and Chinese philosophy, analogizing the universe to a vast project with the twenty-eight constellations as its underlying code. Through art-therapeutic digital art interactive visual works, we allow viewers to find specific laws in the nested "systems" as inspiration for life, eliminate daily life's chaos, and achieve inner balance.



艺术机构-Institution:飞扬萝卜 - F.Y.LUOBO

艺术创作-Artist:石弋萱 - SLO. syx

艺术顾问-Art Director:孙小画 - Arlene Sun

制作人-Producer:邓博 - Dylan Deng

摄影摄像-Photography and shooting:邓博 - Dylan Deng 、孙小画 - Arlene Sun

摄像助理- Camera assistant:刘淏城 – Alex

艺术机构: 飞扬萝卜(北京)数字媒体公共艺术

Institution: FY.LUOBO(Beijing) Digital Public Art


Head Quater: 3rd Floor, Building 1, No. 10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Oversea Head Quater: 14 Penn Plaza, New York NY 10122

Website: www.feiyangluobo.com

Email: dengbo@feiyangluobo.com


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