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- GA作品 | 「灯光装置」万象之界
原创 临时 2024-04-22
尺寸:L*W*H = 10*10*4.5 (m)
Spirits and monsters, born from mountains, rivers, fields, and also from the depths of human hearts and imaginations, reflect human emotions while forming a marvelous and dazzling barrier, giving rise to many legends of Onmyoji. Everything will eventually dissipate, leaving behind proof of this "fantastic world" in the realm of all things, captured in the fleeting beauty of the mechanical umbrella's light and shadow transformations. Wandering through the clearly structured spaces of convergence and divergence, crossing the dimensional barriers with dancing light and shadow. The "Demon Umbrella Barrier" space uses mechanical umbrella installations to create a layered space of separation and union. Strolling through the dimensional barrier of swirling light and shadow, following the changing light and shadow of the demon umbrella, leaving a stunning impression in the world of strange tales.
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