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同源共振·Connection 数字影像互动装置

原创 长期 2023-04-13


一颗来自未知世界的陨石击中地球。陨石自身发出光,莫名的吸引着人类靠近... 正当人类走进陨石,陨石表面出现奇怪的波动,随着人越来越接近,陨石表面的变化愈发的激烈,似乎隐藏着某种未知的联系.....

A meteorite from an unknown world comes to Earth. It emits light that attracts humans to approach. The meteorite resonates with human movement. As people get closer to the meteorite, its response becomes stronger, indicating an unknown connection between humans and the world.
The spatial design by creating the new media art installation 'Connection', inspired by alien lifeforms falling into reality. This installation is an experimental exploration of building a bridge between humans and unknown lifeforms. From a humanistic and biological perspective, CT.LAB hopes to find ways of communication beyond 'language', 'expression' and 'contact', exploring the unknown within the known. When language and expression are without connection, and the touching moment becomes heartless, the light attracts people to open a dialogue with the unknown, inspiring infinite imagination ......


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艺术展览 商业空间 人体追踪 通道 广告营销/活动

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