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Studio Drift FRANCHISE FREEDOM at Burning Man

原创 临时 2022-11-07


Franchise Freedom, a flying sculpture at Burning Man 2018

In their work Studio Drift often contemplates the concept of freedom. Franchise Freedom visualizes the connection between a group and the individual by mimicking a swarm of starlings.

As dusk fell over Black Rock City, 600 luminous drones rose into a hypnotic display of technological choreography, accompanied by the poignant keys of Joep Beving. The drones were guided by a specially made algorithm that simultaneously allows both individual choice and movement as a group. The innovative technology made it possible to create a 3d image in the sky that could be viewed from multiple angles.

Ralph Nauta
Lonneke Gordijn
Lucas van Oostrum
Wilco Vlenterie

Piano Music: Ab Ovo
Composed and performed by Joep Beving

Special thanks to:
Cheryl Edison
Crimson Rose
Sergey Brin
Ahmed El Bawardi
Ping Fu
Jeremy Crandell
Rutger Jansen
Ryan Delbridge
Robert Nauta
Robert Wieringa
Ariana Vafandari
Jeroen Berkhemer
Ian Sutcliffe
The Rocket Man
Mark Brounen
Sarah Faraj
Brandon Torres Deciet
Lauren Brand
Mollie Dent-Brockiehurst
Marian Goodell
Marc Glimcher
Will Roger Peterson
Chris Harnden
Jeroen Fontein
Eelke Kleijn
Pablo Gonzalez Vargas
Mayan Warrior
The pilots
Jake Kooi
Camp Drift
Mikolaj Sekutowic
Robert C. Hanea
John Ollwerther

Arjen van Eijk

Sergio Abuja

Arjen van Eijk
Remy Cadier
Sergio Abuja

Dronecam Operator
Grant Lowenfeld

Arjen van Eijk


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无人机 2018年火人节 飞行雕塑 无人机灯光秀 钢琴

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