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ACCURAY 全息装置、机械臂

原创 临时 2022-10-25


Accuray is an american company specialized in the development of medical devices used in radiotherapy for cancer treatment.

In 2018 Accuray contacted us for the creation of digital installations designed to demonstrate its technologies in the main international exhibitions in terms of radiotherapy and oncology in Europe, Asia and United States. (ESTRO, HOSPEK, ASTRO)

These installations aimed more precisely to present their two main machines (the Cyberknife and the Radixact) following their new brand positioning centred on human and patient and no more on the product (machines).

For this purpose, we worked in close collaboration with their engineers to transpose as faithfully as possible the machine operation, but also the whole decisional process between physicists and doctors.

For the 2018 edition of those 3 exhibitions, we created a black box with holographic screen featuring a couple suddenly hit by the disease. With an aquatic shooting, the creation of an original soundtrack, 3D effects in postproduction, digital interfaces... it was so successful that Accuray asked us to propose a new installation in 2019. This time our choice fell on the use of industrial robotic arms equipped with huge plasma screens. This original proposition "out-of-the-box" immediately struck them.

2020 is already showing promise with new destinations as Vienna and Miami.


DATE : 2018 / 2019
TYPE : Digital Installation/ Exhibition / Black Box / Aquatic Shooting / Robotic Arms
KEY FIGURESLOCATION : Spain / China / United-States / Italy


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广告营销/活动 数字装置 展览 机械臂 数字艺术

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