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可视化数据 | 数字雕塑作品AI DATAMAMONOLITH_Data Sculpture

原创 长期 2022-10-12


DATAMONOLITH_AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation by Ouchhh at Interval Festival.

What would happen if the consciousness of the world's oldest ancient origins data and AI come together for hybrid architectural public art?

Ouchhh has created DATAMONOLITH using the world's oldest data! By using the Generative adversarial network (GAN) and Ai algorithms, we created a new Data Monolith which meant to learn from Gobeklitepe data (dating from Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, PPN; 9600–7000 calBC)

"Encompassing both the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, the area gave birth to the first cities, states, bureaucracy and written communication in history. In other words, civilization originated in the Fertile Crescent. Göbeklitepe is not only a masterpiece that demanded enormous organization and imagination, and arguably the oldest temple in the world, it is the progenitor of the development of civilization in the world. Göbeklitepe is, in many ways, the epicenter of history. To date, the excavations at the Göbeklitepe have been extraordinarily productive. Artifacts unearthed there are paving the way to fresh, unexpected discoveries. The temples far surpass the architectural skill that would have been expected in an era of hunters and gatherers. As such, the excavations have created a sensation around the world. The temples, adorned with animist figurines reflecting the religious faith of prehistoric people, have made Göbeklitepe one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of recent times. Impressive as this may be, the site is also important for the scientific conclusions that can be drawn from the plethora of findings on diet, technology, and society. Without a doubt, these excavations are crucial for our understanding of human prehistory. Until recently, it was thought that monumental structures of this size were only possible given more advanced stages of human settlement. Göbeklitepe has undermined this view. In fact, it shows that there existed at that time an extremely complex social order and technology. It makes one wonder just how much more is waiting to be discovered… approximately 7,000 years older than the UK’s Stonehenge."

Future and the Arts: AI, Robotics, Cities, Life - How Humanity Will Live Tomorrow Exhibition:
"Advances in technology over the past few years are now starting to have a significant impact on various aspects of our lives. It is said that not too far in the future, human beings will be entrusting many of their decisions to AI (artificial intelligence) which will then supersede human intelligence; the advent of “singularity” will potentially usher in enormous changes to our society and lifestyles. Another development, that of blockchain technology, looks set to build new levels of trust and value into our social systems, while advances in biotechnology will have a major impact on food, medicine, and the environment. It is also possible that one day, we humans will be able to extend our physical functions, and enjoy longer life spans. The effect of such changes may not be necessarily and universally positive, yet surely we need to at least acquire a vision of what life may look like in the next 20-30 years, and ponder the possibilities of that new world. Doing so will also spark fundamental questions about the nature of affluence and of being human, and what constitutes life.”


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公共空间 光艺术 数据可视化 生成艺术 数字雕塑

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