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Lux Automata - 灯光装置

原创 长期 2022-08-22


Client: DeepMind

Location: London, UK

Year: 2022

Can we code creativity?

Exploring the creative limits of artificial intelligence, Lux Automata is a living, breathing media sculpture consisting of 2940 cellular, LED cubes. Suspended above its observers, the artwork uses a coded set of rules to exhibit a complex set of behaviours. Dynamic patterns of light emerge, repeat, mutate and dissipate in a constant state of metamorphosis.

Shaking the idea that a work of art is static and pre-determined, Lux Automata is more akin to a biological lifeform. It transforms and evolves in unpredictable ways based on its own internal ‘needs’ (to avoid boredom, to be stimulated, to be calm) which are influenced by the activity of people beneath it.

From scenes that are erratic and staccato to moments that are ambient and meditative, Lux Automata experiments with its appearance striving for an equilibrium. Exhibiting qualities that mirror consciousness, it questions: can we code creativity? Can AI individually author a piece of art?

Lux Automata is the result of an exciting, 3-year collaborative project conducted with DeepMind. The artwork is now situated in the lobby of DeepMind’s new headquarters in Kings Cross, London.

Film by Matt Watt

Photography by James Medcraft


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商业空间 公共空间 灯光装置 LED矩阵 装置艺术

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Jason Bruges Studio


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