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当交响乐遇上数字艺术 When Symphony Meets Digital Arts

原创 临时 2022-07-09


在土耳其,交响乐和数字艺术首次在 AKM Türk Telekom Opera Hall 的盛大晚会上融合在一起。伊斯坦布尔国家交响乐团的 12 首曲目伴随着一场身临其境的数字艺术表演,该表演采用创新的舞台和灯光设计。

对于这项工作,视觉设计师从作品的故事、声音分析和算法出发,并获得反映他们创造的氛围的抽象。当 70 人的管弦乐队、40 人的合唱团和四位独奏者在舞台上继续他们的现场表演时,这场数字艺术表演以大厅的标志性建筑为画布,为观众提供了不同寻常和难忘的体验,现场安装的 40 个投影设备提供听觉和视觉效果。


For the first time in Turkey, symphony and digital art came together at the gala night of AKM Türk Telekom Opera Hall. The 12-piece repertoire of the Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra was accompanied by an immersive digital art show created with innovative stage and light designs.

For this work, the visual designers set out from the stories, sound analysis, and algorithms of the pieces and obtained abstractions that reflect the atmosphere they create. While the 70-member orchestra, 40-member choir, and four soloists continued their live performance on the stage, this digital art show, using the iconic architecture of the hall as a canvas, provided the audience with an unusual and memorable experience, both auditory and visually, with the contribution of 40 projection devices installed on the field.

As Illusionist, we would like to thank first Türk Telekom and Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra and Atatürk Cultural Center for their cooperation on this particular night.

  • 投影机*40

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实景空间 交响乐 数字艺术 沉浸式投影 土耳其

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