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Détour- Gaité Lyrique - Paris

原创 临时 2022-07-02


The multidisciplinary collective Visual System imagines a three-dimensional, evolving and colorful sculpture, forming an atmosphere that is both sonorous and visual, inviting you to wander and contemplate.

The Gaîté Lyrique inaugurates a completely reconfigured space: the exhibition area on the second floor is transformed into an astonishing luminous and sonorous forest with an optical illusion feel. The first guest of the program, the French collective Visual System, transports us to the heart of a geometrically abstract forest, regenerating new perceptions.

From its slender and split trunks, soft electroluminescent sources, colored undulating beams and a great orchestra of sounds obeying together to secret harmonic consonances. Enveloped on all sides under its sound vault crossed by sun and shadows, without landmarks and without fixed point of view, we are everywhere in its center and we melt in the middle of it, where everything is similar. In a poetic of space, the work of kinetic wandering Detour reverses the perspectives and comes to life: it reaches out to us, pulls us to it, cradles us and carries us. Does it remind us of the importance of moving forward to get out of the depths of these places whose contours are not always clear and to let the inevitable unexpected come?

In Détour, the visitor, totally free of his movements, discovers sixteen totems of a height of 2,50 meters streaked with LED. Inspired by abstract pictorial sculptures, these luminous monoliths are erected within a space plunged in the dark. They come to life and respond to the rhythm of a sound creation that guides us through the twists and turns of a new ecosystem, opening a dialogue between man, nature and the machine. Sound and light awaken in tandem. As we cross, the sound perception intensifies. The light is soft and indirect. The music, created by composers Thomas Vaquié & Alexandre Bouvier, is enveloping. Détour invites you to get lost in a morphing of sound and visual landscapes, in a dreamlike forest regenerating new perceptions, sheltering new worlds.

Thomas Vaquié & Alexandre Bouvier

Gaîté Lyrique - Paris



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