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OUT OF CONTROL Atomium - Brussels

原创 长期 2022-07-02


Sound and light installation, Atomium - Brussels -ID#2014
The “Out of Control” installation explores the question of Singularity: the inevitable rise of the Super Machine - longed-for or feared - which, according to some theorists, should occur around 2030, i.e. in the blink of an eye.
While the emergence of the first Artificial Intelligence remains a sci-fi theme, the nature and associated risks of such technology has long been a topic of reflection for authors. As early as 1946, Murray Leinster’s novel, “A Logic Named Joe”, imagined the excesses of a hypothetical global computer network capable of attaining a pseudo-conscience.
The stronger the machine, the more worrying its malfunctioning may be. “Out of Control” deals with this issue from the inside, not from the human but from the machine’s point of view, portraying the inner conflict of a faulty artificial system which suffers an external attack, unaware of what or why this has happened.
The nature and history of the Atomium make it the ideal location for this installation. The site embodies the Golden Age of sci-fi, when questions first arose regarding the relationship between humankind and conscious machines (Asimov and its three laws of robotics). The Atomium was built during a time period which saw the future both as a promise of advancement and as a source of concern. The era of the atom, of course, but also that of telematics, very high speed trains, and supersonic aircrafts. Opportunities were being discerned. Fifty years later, the questions remain.
By welcoming the “Out of Control” lost machine, the Atomium reminds us that technology never stops questioning humankind about its nature.
Atomium Brussels
TEAM VS:Julien guinard . Vincent obadia
Benjamin Lorthioir . Pierre Gufflet
Ambroise Mouline . Joachim Correia . Tom Modeste. Sebastien Escudié, Valère Terrier .

An original music made by Thomas Vaquié

Based on the original novel by Stéphane Beauverger

Henri Simons

Arnaud Bozzini
exhibitions manager

Johan Vandenperre
technical director

And the entire Atomium team


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