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LED户外裸眼3D“盒子”+内部沉浸式装置《Nissan Lights》

原创 临时 2022-06-15


今年 3 月,我们在智利圣地亚哥市展示了 Nissan Lights 项目。对于这个品牌激活,我们创建了带有 3D 内容的 LED 立面结构,包括品牌标识元素和当前产品展示。

此外,我们在里面开发了一个完整的沉浸式装置。客人可以与 3 种不同类型的环境内容互动,这些内容的灵感来自阿塔卡马沙漠的星夜、品牌传承和日本文化以及 NIM(日产智能移动)。独特的声音设计有助于潜入激活的氛围。

This March we presented the Nissan Lights project in the city of Santiago, Chile. For this brand activation we created the LED facade structure with 3D content including brand identity elements and current products presentation.

Moreover, we developed a whole immersive installation inside. Guest could interact with 3 different types of environmental content inspired by the starry nights in Atacama Desert, by the brand heritage & Japan culture and by NIM (Nissan Intelligent Mobility). Unique sound design helped to dive into the atmosphere of the activation.


Creative Director: Arthur Kondrashenkov

Producer: Anastasia Lepikhova

Executive Producers: Alexey Rozov, Alexander Us, Anastasia Filatova

Production Director: Denis Sidorenko

Deputy Production Director: Anastasia Gurinova

Art Director: Alexey Kornev

Supervisor: Anna Rodionova

Interactive Content Artist: Alexander Katsev

CG Artists: Zoya Kharakoz, Tatiana Krasotenko, Denis Zabolotnyi

Technical Directors: Dmitrii Petrov

Video Engineers: Alexander Katsev, Egor Konovalov

Civil Engineers: Valery Zyuzin

Music & Sound Design: German Belkin

Video: Alexander Katsev, Anastasia Lepikhova, Dmitrii Petrov, Cristobal Welove

Editing: Evgeny Arkhipov


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公共空间 广告营销/活动 Nissan 裸眼3D 沉浸式装置

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