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AI PIANIST 人工智能钢琴家

原创 临时 2022-06-23


Direction & Design

Immersive Experience

2019 / 2021

Commissioned By

Daejeon Museum of Art

Premiered at the “Ways of Seeing” exhibition in Daejeon Museum of Art in 2019, NOS Visuals collaborated with VirtuosoNet, the AI pianist developed in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [KAIST-CT].

A selected repertoire from contemporary composers [Philip Glass, Olivier Messiaen, Sergei Prokofiev, Dmitri Shostakovich] is interpreted and played by the AI Pianist VirtuosoNet on an automatic grand piano, and each visual environment surrounding the performance is responsive to sound, and generated in real-time.

NOS Visuals is originally a collaborative platform named after the custom NOS visual engine, developed by Nohlab and Osman Koç. Based on Processing infrastructure, NOS analyzes the sound in the performance in real-time and uses this data as a parameter in the calculations for the visuals, which melts the sound and visuals into a single entity.

For this unique collaboration, Dr. Jeong Dasaem trained an AI pianist, VirtuosoNet, using data from 16 composers and 226 performers, by a “Hierarchical Attention Network [HAN]”. Integrating several parameters of score and performance, VirtuosoNet not only interprets the score, but also plays with emotion as it adjusts the beat and rhythm, and the tone and touch in order to capture the musical expression of the original performers.

The performance since has been a part of Beyoglu Culture Road exhibition in the opening of AKM, the biggest and most symbolic art exhibition center is Istanbul, and was supported by Turkish Ministry of Culture.


Daejeon Museum of Art, S. Korea
AKM, İstanbul

Art Direction & Visual Design

Creative Coding & Visual Design
Osman Koç

AI Training & Research
Dr. Jeong Dasaem


Real-time Visualization Engine
NOS Visual Engine


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沉浸式体验 大田美术馆 钢琴 AI 钢琴家

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