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Cartier Chengdu Boutique - studio Treize

分享 长期 2022-06-23


卡地亚成都远洋太古里店铺于2022年4月重装启幕。我们非常荣参与店铺二层的Studio Treize空间体验设计和落地。以新媒体为媒介,为顾客叙述卡地亚的品牌历史、展示独具匠心的SAVOIR-FAIRE工艺和沉浸式的珠宝体验。

Cartier’s boutique was reopened in April 2022 at Taikoo Li Chengdu. We are very honored to participate in the experience design and production of the Studio Treize space on the second floor of the store. Using technology as a medium, it narrates Cartier’s brand history and shows the unique Savoir-Faire craftsmanship and Immersive jewelry experience for clients.


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商业空间 卡地亚 空间体验 沉浸式体验 成都远洋太古里

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