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Vyacheslav Butusov——Stage Design

原创 长期 2022-06-17


2021年底,我们为维亚切斯拉夫·布图索夫(Vyacheslav Butusov)和圣彼得堡和莫斯科的“荣耀勋章”团体周年音乐会创作了布景设计。这个项目成为了回顾音乐家创造力的旅程。这个概念可以称为“光之殿堂”,它是对失去的美丽和重新发现的真理的追寻。设计系列的中心形象是灵魂女神普赛克。

At the end of 2021, we created set design for Vyacheslav Butusov and the “Order of Glory” group anniversary concerts in Saint Petersburg & Moscow. This project became a journey into the retrospective of musicians’ creativity.

The concept can be called “The Temple of Light”, it is the search for the lost beauty and rediscovered truth. The central image of the design set was Psyche, the goddess of the soul.

Daniil Kutuzov, creative director: “Through this image we convey the idea that spirit & beauty are not lost. We resurrect them, bring them to the stage and examine the result through the filter of postmodernism. For example, the prototype of the stage – the sculpture “Psyche from Capua” with the cut off upper part of the head, dictated the idea of ​​segmenting the entire head and set the rhythm and angle of the sections. Mapping of the generative content onto the sculpture and the “hooligan tagging” say that we are not able to bring back the ancient perfection, but we are trying using the tools of pop culture.”

The main artistic tool was the synchronization of the video content with stage light, which made it possible to show how, despite the realism of the musicians' texts and their dark image of reality, there is always light in the end.

Our goal was to honor the history of the band and connect it to today, so along with digital graphics we also used archival footage of the band. It was necessary to emphasize the cultural significance of the group, but at the same time to show that Vyacheslav Butusov and the group live in the modern world and put new, contemporary meanings into the legendary songs with a twenty-year history. That is why, with all this variety of ideas and artistic elements, we have kept the show minimalistic using a minimum of colors and generative graphics – images that are generated in real time using computer algorithms, creating a new picture every second. It was important for us not to be literal and not to overload the visual part, but on the contrary – to leave room for interpretation by viewers, who have lived with the group for more than 20 years.


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舞美设计 舞台/演出 音乐会 圣彼得堡

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