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原创 长期 2022-05-12


Moment Factory 与房地产投资公司 Vornado Realty Trust 合作,重新构想 PENN 1 的用户体验。我们一起融合了世界一流的艺术和创新技术,为企业空间提供了自己独特的声音和身份。

Moment Factory partnered with real estate investment company Vornado Realty Trust to reimagine the user experience at PENN 1. Together, we merged world-class art and innovative technology to provide the corporate space with its own unique voice and identity.
Vornado Realty Trust, une société d’investissement immobilier, a fait appel à Moment Factory, afin de repenser l'expérience des utilisateurs de PENN 1. Ensemble, nous avons fusionné l’art et la technologie novatrice afin de créer un espace professionnel ayant une voix et une identité uniques.

纽约市大型商业地产开发商Vornado Realty Trust 聘请蒙特利尔的 Moment Factory 重新思考 PENN 1 的大堂和公共空间体验,这是一座长期被称为 One Penn Plaza 的曼哈顿中城办公大楼。它靠近宾夕法尼亚车站,拥有大量的联合办公空间——但几乎没有证据表明 WeWork 的疯狂、做任何事都是如何完成的氛围(观看 WeCrashed)。

The big NYC commercial property developer Vornado Realty Trust engaged Montreal’s Moment Factory to rethink the lobby and common spaces experience at PENN 1, a midtown Manhattan office tower that was long known as One Penn Plaza. It is close to Penn Station and has a healthy amount of co-working space – but little evidence of the insane, how-did-anything-get-done atmosphere of WeWork (watch WeCrashed).

Moment 设计和交付的元素包括:

  • 主楼梯上的 LED 灯带对运动有反应,但也模仿老式的分瓣显示器;
  • 一个社交聚会区,看起来像一对带有动态、自定义内容的大、细间距 LED;
  • 电梯大厅的另一个大型垂直 LED 显示屏以数据驱动的艺术为特色,与时间和季节保持一致,所以春天来了,树开始出现花蕾和花朵。

Among the elements designed and delivered by Moment:

  • LED ribbons on the main staircase that are reactive to motion but also emulates old-school split-flap displays;
  • A social gathering area with what looks like a pair of big, fine pitch LEDs with dynamic, custom content;
  • Another big vertical LED display in the elevator lobby that features data-driven art aligned with the time and season, so come spring the tree starts to show buds and flowers.

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公共空间 LED楼体 自生成艺术 数字艺术

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