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儿童医院 | Nature Trail

原创 长期 2022-04-26





Jason Bruges Studio has completed a unique project for Great Ormond Street Hospital for children to improve their journey to theatre.

The brief was to design and install a distraction artwork helping to create a calming yet engaging route that culminates in the patient’s arrival at the anaesthetic room. Inspiration came from the idea of viewing the patient journey as a ‘Nature Trail’, where the hospital walls become the natural canvas, with digital lookout points that reveal the various ‘forest creatures’, including horses, deer, hedgehogs, birds and frogs, to the passerby.

The work has been installed in the theatres floor within the hospital’s new Morgan Stanley Clinical Building, the first part of the Mittal Children’s Medical Centre.


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公共空间 儿童娱乐 装置艺术 儿童医院 数字艺术

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