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数据化艺术互动装置《黄金之舟》 | 心跳置换,激活生命与生态的共生

分享 长期 2021-10-29



数据化艺术互动装置《黄金之舟》(Golden State )

《黄金之舟》(Golden State )主装置PCB电路板通过线下征集回收,经过Artist修复重建构成新的艺术素材,结合16个步进电机组成的阵列机械模块单元,由金色卡头扣着不锈钢脚手架托举于公共空间中。

The main installation PCB board of "Golden State"was recycled through the offline collection and rebuilt by Artist to form a newart material, combined with an array of 16 stepper motors to form a mechanicalmodule unit, which is held in the public space by a stainless steel scaffoldwith golden clips.


Using real-time algorithms from biometrics and heart-ratesensing, the development team will extend the experience to the natural fieldby capturing human heartbeat signs through heart rate sensing triggered by theparticipants as the driving material for the installation and the morphologicalchanges of the installation. At that time, the flowing data becomes the mediumof bonding humans and material, and the machine picks up the heart rate of theexperiencer. Then the life of the "Golden State" is given, and theheart rate is linked with the experiencer in real-time to show the tension oflife to audiences.

作品名称:Golden State (黄金之舟)




尺寸详情:主装置 100cm * 100cm(单元模块),脚手架140cm (w) * 80cm (h)

创作时间:09. 2021

Title of Work: Goodas gold - Golden State

Type of work: Data-basedart interactive installation

Interaction form: Singleinteraction, when the participant triggers the secondary the device, the maindevice pulses with the heart rate of the participant

Material:PCB board, stepper motor, mechanicaltransmission system, heart rate sensor, interactive control system

Size details:Maindevice 100cm * 100cm (single module of the main device), Scaffolding 140cm (w)* 80cm (h)

Creation time: September,2021


技术总监:安密 Mi An

项目经理:马昕怡 MekyMa

制作人:邓博 Dylan



Technical Director:Mi An

Project Manager:Meky Ma

Producer:Dylan Deng

Producer:Feiyangluobo (Beijing) MediaCo., Ltd.


孙小画(ArleneSun)纽约视觉艺术家,毕业于纽约帕森斯设计学院Parsons MFA 设计与科技专业,获美国颁发杰出人才。创作主题多有关生态、通感等,擅长跨界融合创新,将各类机械元件拆解重构,经过黄金涂装,结合交互技术和算法生成全新的实验混合艺术作品。曾获A Design Award(Italy)、PRISMAArt Prize(Italy)、Indigo Design Award(Netherlands)、AI-AP(USA)、WIDEOPEN Art Awards(USA)、Overzealous Fine ArtCompetition(Canada)等多个国际艺术奖项及入围。


ArleneSun, a visual artist in NYC, graduated from ParsonsSchool of Design, MFA design and technology. She was awarded outstanding talentby the United States. Her art works are mostly related to ecology andsynesthesia. Sun is proficient in crossover integration and innovation in termsof disassembling and reconstructing various mechanical components, combininginteractive technology and algorithms to generate brand-new experimental mixedart works. Notably, Sun has won many international art awards such as A DesignAward (Italy), PRISMA Art Prize ( Italy), Indigo Design Award (Netherlands),AI-AP (USA), WIDE OPEN Art Awards (USA), Overzealous Fine Art Competition(Canada), etc.

Golden State (黄金之舟)




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互动装置 装置艺术 艺术展览

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