- 图片
- hering丨重庆光环
原创 2021-03-26
loliloli studio
于2019年在上海组建。毕业于中央圣马丁学院和伦敦大学金史密斯学院的三人曾任职于电通和日本新媒体艺术团体NAKED inc。
在这个精神输出和物质生产都过度化的当下, loliloli studio 是一种与时代产生共鸣和联结的艺术语言。
In this era of excess, we create excessive art. Loliloli studio was
established in Shanghai in 2019. The three graduates of Central St.
Martin's College and Goldsmith College of the University of London have
worked for Dentsu and the Japanese new media art group NAKED inc. At a
time when both spiritual output and material production are excessive,
loliloli studio is an artistic language that resonates and connects with
the times. The studio brings together a group of creators with rich
cross-border thinking, based on the use and development of new media and
computer technology to explore narrative artistic interaction at
various levels.
Shanghai FoldinDesign Co., Ltd., FoldinDesign is a young creative
production team dedicated to providing customers with the best visual
effects, engaged in graphic design, illustration, animation and
three-dimensional art and other art creative work.
Project Introduction
The first work of Hong Kong Land's new "Halo" series.A shopping park with a large indoor botanical.Garden is rare.Gorgeous opening on April 23.Bringing a fully immersive shopping park to Chongqing.Create a new media art experience center for the audience.
此项目的新媒体沉浸式艺术专项中,香港置地携手公共艺术平台ToMASTRE明日大师作为新媒体公共艺术顾问。明日大师联合艺术家团队Loliloli Studio + Foldin Design Studio进沉浸式新媒体光影内容打造,打造4个光影互动空间,全部采用原创设计。
Hong Kong Land Joins Hands with ToMASTRE. Connected the whole scene with one IP.Created four light and shadow interactive spaces.
Visual Effects
Final Presentation
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