- 图片
- 云环 Cloud Bridge
原创 2019-03-16

Graduated from Osaka University and worked as a designer at SAKO Architectural Design Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2005. He was promoted to the head of the design office in 2008. In the same year, he won the Silver Award of the Japan Commercial Space Association Design Competition. He has been studying for a Ph.D. degree in Tsinghua University since 2012 and has been a lecturer in the Department of Architecture of North China University of Technology since 2013. Founded B.L.U.E. Architectural Design Office in 2015.
Project Introduction
Nantong Vanke Co., Ltd. formally reached a cooperation with Tomaster Tomaster. In the [Vanke Fangyuan] residential project in Chongchuan Zhongchuang District, Nantong, the famous designer Qingshan Zhouping was invited to create the most beautiful art bridge in Nantong.
And try to break through the inherent definition of art space and public space, trying to regain the emotional value of people and harmony with the environment. Establish a landscape infrastructure that can participate in and reshape the spirit of the community, and a public space node that can inject happiness into the community. Let art be integrated into daily life, reshape life, and spread community spirit and brand image.
Concept Rendering

Final Presentation

Tik Tok Art Live

Art Derivatives

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