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原创 临时 2020-12-09


上海港汇恒隆广场于11月19日举行周年庆典-GATEWAY TO INSPIRATION焕新派对,Wonderlabs有幸参与此次盛大的庆典,并制作了INSPIRATION LAB,光波鼓,镜像Battle,微笑大挑战,潮流灵体验等5项互动装置。
Shanghai Grand Gateway Plaza 66 held its anniversary celebration-GATEWAY TO INSPIRATION renewal party on November 19th. Wonderlabs was very honored to be invited and created 5 interactive installations for the celebration, including the Inspiration Lab, Lightwave Drum, Mirrored Battle, Smile Challenge and Trendy Experience.

「Inspiration Lab位于港汇广场内街,当进入Inspiration Lab时,即刻会被炫彩夺目的光影吸引目光。消费者的移动轨迹,可以创造出各种渐变幻彩的粒子效果,相机记录下这一幕即可分享朋友圈」

The Inspiration Lab is located in the inner street of Grand Gateway Plaza 66. The consumers will be immediately attracted by the dazzling lights and shadows when entering into the lab, meanwhile different style of visuals can be created by consumers along their movement. The system will record the moment and allowing audiences share in social platform.


The Lightwave Drum is located on the both sides of the inner street of the square. In order to enhance the visual effect of the light strips, the strips are erected with a mountain-like undulating effect. Consumers could beat the drum to trigger the light wave, and the faster they beat the faster lighting moves.


These two interactive installations are located on the 2F and 3F of the south block of the mall. The Mirrored Battle uses Kinect motion capture technology to track human gestures.In Smile Challenge, we use facial analysis technology to detect human faces, the real time “smile score” is given afterwards.

潮流灵体验位于商场北座1楼,我们在两台显示屏中设计了巨大的礼品贩卖机效果,利用leap motion体感控制器,可以捕捉到手部手指的关节点,体验者通过指定动作,控制屏幕中虚拟手臂,实现抽取虚拟奖品」
Trendy Spirit Experience is located on the 1F of the North Tower of the mall. Through Leap Motion, consumers can interact with the digital content in the screen using their hands and pick up the gifts they want.

Client: 港汇恒隆广场

Agency: APAX Group

团队介绍 / Team introduction:

Account Director: Allen Ren

R&D Director:Matthew Deblock

Project Manager: Eason Zhang

3D Model & Animation: Yann Eldin

Particle & VFX: Taoran Xu

UX&UI Designer: Elaine Song , Xiaolong Wang

Software Architecture: Wenkai Fang

Software Engineer: Yawei Chen , Ruiling Ma , Zhixuan Li , Shuaishuai Jiang,Danyil Melnykov

Production Manager & Execution: Fangmin Chen , Eric Jiang , Mosher Zhang,Jian Song , York Li

特别感谢 / Special Thanks:

Special thanks to APAX Group's cooperation.



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光影设计 视觉效果 互动装置 体感动作捕捉技术 虚拟手臂

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