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Mixed Mirrors - Interactive Installation

原创 临时 2020-11-18


Production Club与我们联系,为拉斯维加斯2019年相交节献上了一件作品。

因此,我们从Monolith设计开始,尝试使用相机,不同角度和光照条件。然后,我们创建了一个叙述概念,然后在After Effects中设计每个屏幕的行为。一旦进行了测试,便用Notch构建了每个屏幕,混合器和灯光程序的动画。之后,我们创建了产生音频的概念并进行了制作。

最重要的是,从技术角度来看,这是一个充满挑战的作品。结果,安装团队由10人组成,我们拥有12台BlackMagic摄像机4K,108个LED,配备12台QSC-K10自供电扬声器和12台K10 Fly Backet的扬声器系统,全部由24个Truss支持。

Production Club contacted us to presented a piece for the Intersect Festival 2019 in Las Vegas.
Mixed Mirrors is an installation to create a place to meet and to spend a good time with a group of people functioning as a whole to create one identity. Specially in these years, most of our interactions are purely digital and cold in a distance.
Therefore, we wanted to create a space that, exploiting these same digital resources, wants to create a more physical and real connection. A spotlight, a fireplace, a lighthouse that enlightens and attracts people that don't know each other that can interact reflecting their faces in a mirror that will blend all faces in one.
The setup in Intersect was of 10 LED totems put in a circle facing outside, one screen per person. Its functioning is that each totem is connected to a camera that detects people's faces deforming them and mixing them altogether with different transitions in real time. For instance, 10 people could play at the same time and see their faces plastically being deformed and mixed in a giant 'mirror'. It's indeed a generative and interactive sculpture and it builds its own narrative background.

Therefore, we started with the Monolith Design, trying the cameras, different angles and light conditions. Then, we created a narrative concept and then we design in After Effects the behavior of each screen. Once we made a test, we built with Notch the animation of each screen, mixer and light programming. After that, we created a concept and production of a generative audio.

Above all, it was a challenging piece from a technical point of view. As a result, the setup was with a team of 10 people, we had an equipment of 12 BlackMagic Cameras 4K, 108 LEDs, a Speaker System with 12 QSC - K10 Self Powered Speaker and 12 K10 Fly Backet, all supported by 24 Truss.


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