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大型奇境光影水秀《ECHO 回响》

原创 长期 2020-10-24


大型奇境光影水秀《ECHO回响》 在上海世茂洲际酒店地平线下88米的深坑剧场上演,营造了从原始到现代再到未来,一个时代不断迭代“回响”的序列,从而引发观众更深层次的、精神层面的共鸣。运用水幕、激光、无人机等技术手段,以抽象现实主义的表现形式,给观者一个从平面到立体、概念到精神的全新的感知体验。从万物生灵中提取营养,通过数学的分型美感、动画的张扬自由,变幻流转,展现狂野的自然力量与现代文明秩序的冲撞,感受宇宙空间的轮回。

The large-scale light and water show ECHO was staged at the 88-mater deep theater under the horizon of Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland. It creates a sequence of “reverberations” that continually iterate from the ancient age to the modern and the future world, which leads to a deeper and spiritual resonance of the audience. Through the use of water curtains, lasers, drones and other technical means, in the form of abstract realism, the viewer is given a new perception experience from plane to stereo, concept to spirit. Extracting nutrients from all things, mathematical classification of beauty, animation of the freedom, change the flow, show the collision of wild natural forces and modern civilization, feel the cycle of space.


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水幕投影 无人机 激光演艺

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