1. 图片

原创 长期 2020-10-12



The INCLUSION Bund Conference was held in Shanghai Huangpu Expo Park from September 24th to September 26th, it was the world's top financial technology conference. The theme of the conference was "Envision Tomorrow". Wonderlabs was honored to design and produce 2 interactive experiences for this event: Ant planet and cloud climbing.

蚂蚁星球Ant Planet


The mixed reality experience of Ant Green Planet includes five scenes: home, transportation, city, forest, and ocean. The three-dimensional design scene adopts lowpoly style. After the audience wears Holoens, they can explore in the mixed reality scene and collect green energy by interacting with the scene elements in each area and answering the environmental protection questions.

云攀岩 Cloud Climbing


The Cloud Rock Climbing is a competitive experience that combines sports and technology. The climbing route is designed by the world champion invited by the Alibaba team. Participants can receive a video of their climbing process after the experience, and share it on the social platform.

Client: Alibaba

团队介绍 / Team introduction:

Technical Director: Chengliang Dong

Account Director: Zy Hu

Project Executive: Eric Jiang, Mosher Zhang

Software Engineer: Wenkai Fang, Piky Xu, Danyil Melnykov, ShuaiShuai Jiang, Ruilin Ma

UI&UX Designer: Xiaolong Wang

Content Designer: Yann Eldin

特别感谢 / Specially thanks:

Special thanks to Alibaba’s cooperation and the construction agency Uniplan.


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