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vivo X50 Pro 互动拍摄体验

原创 临时 2020-09-20


2020年6月随着中国手机品牌vivo新款机型X50 Pro的开售,其革命性的超感光微云台给用户带来极其稳定的运动拍摄体验,无须各类专业的摄影器材,也有能力将美好瞬间记录下来。#蓝动夏日 定格精彩

In June 2020, the brand new vivo X50 Pro was launched, it's revolutionary Gimbal Camera System give users an extremely stable sports shooting experience and record beautiful moments without professional photographic equipment.

为了展现X50 Pro超感光微云台出色的拍摄实力,vivo组织了一场充满科技与时尚的拍摄,Wonderlabs非常荣幸受邀为广告片拍摄提供并编制了一套与明星斗舞的机械臂舞蹈表演。

In order to show the excellent shooting capabilities of the X50 Pro Gimbal Camera System, vivo organized a vibrant technology and fashion shooting, Wonderlabs was very honored to be invited to provide and compile a robotic arm dance against the celebrity for the footage.

经过多次彩排和程序细节调整,拍摄最终于6月25日在一个复古的仓库中展开,我们的故事讲述的是男主角与“手持”X50 Pro的机械臂相遇并斗舞,最终男主角从机械臂“手中”接过vivo X50 Pro查看照片的过程。

After many times of rehearsal and details adjustment, the shooting was finally taken place in a retro warehouse on June 25th. Our story is about the actor meeting and dancing battle with a robotic arm holding X50 Pro. In the end, the actor took the vivo X50 Pro from the robotic arm to view the photos.


Every movement of the robotic arm was thoughtfully designed, battle with the celebrity's rhythmic dance in action, each pause and movement of the robotic arm was in line with the beat of the music especially in the fast-paced BGM. Finally, we were very proud that a super cool video was presented.


Behind the scene:


Different from traditional industry robot system, this project require the robot arm to match the music beats while moving and same time have the flexciblity to adjust moving path to achieve director's shooting requirement. In order to do that, we developed the real time robot control system so that all the movements can be adjusted in realtime and within milliseconds.

Brand: vivo

Agency:Fred & Farid

团队介绍 / Team introduction:

Technical Director: Chengliang Dong

Project Manager: Tede Gu

Software Engineer: Chengliang Dong

Project Executive: Mosher Zhang

特别感谢 / Special thanks:

Big thanks to Fred & Farid for this collaboration.



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机械臂 互动拍摄 广告营销/活动 vivo 舞蹈表演

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