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- 《边缘》EDGE 新媒体混合媒介行为艺术
原创 长期 2020-03-04
new media technologies, in community practice, there is a sense of
individual failure in the conclusion of urban maternal, combined with
behavioral performances, trying to create a timeout point, let us slow
down and pay attention to everyday familiar corners in the city. In the
process of edge expansion and corner disappearance, look for an
upstream, a discussion that may be triggered.
- 参考预算
- ¥20万~50万
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- 本文由 林万山LINWANSHAN 授权 数艺网 发表,并经数艺网编辑。转载此文章请在文章开头和结尾标注“作者”、“来源:数艺网” 并附上本页链接: 本站部分文字及图片来源于网络,如侵犯到您的权益,请及时告知,我们将及时处理或删除。