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互动灯光装置 | “ microCOSMOS ” 微宇宙

原创 临时 2020-01-07



“ microCOSMOS ” – Mindscape Studio与Ygreq Interactive的合作。

The fascination for stars as light-generators has inspired us to create a work that seeks to encompass a fragment of the Universe, an object that reflects the sunlight during daytime and at night becomes a source of light. The title has a double valence, describing on the one hand a miniature Cosmos, and on the other hand referring to a microscopic look on the inner world of man. Thus, the interaction of particles within the structure mirrors, at symbolic level, the way in which the particles of electricity travel and interact in the human neural network.

“microCOSMOS” – a collaboration between Mindscape Studio and Ygreq Interactive.


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