- 视频
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- 互动投影URBAN PINBALL,一款有趣且引人入胜的游戏
原创 临时 2020-01-07
Urban Pinball – Interactive video mapping at Spotlight Festival
URBAN PINBALL是专为2019年Spotlight节设计的项目,这是一个互动游戏,两个人必须相互协调才能获得最高分。URBAN PINBALL是一款有趣且引人入胜的游戏,专为Odeon Theatre的立面而设计,但几乎可以适应任何三维表面。
URBAN PINBALL is a project created specially for Spotlight Festival 2019, an interactive game where two persons have to coordinate with each other to obtain the highest score they can get. URBAN PINBALL is a fun and engaging game, designed for the facade of Odeon Theatre, but it can be adapted to almost any three-dimensional surface.
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