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- 2019新款日产Patro,阿布扎比全球首演的舞美及视觉
原创 临时 2020-01-05
In September 2019, Nissan unveiled the new Nissan Patrol, a luxurious flagship SUV with premium design and enhanced on- and off-the-road capabilities. Sila Sveta was in charge of stage design and visual content for the world premiere in Abu Dhabi. It became the team’s first project in the UAE.
日产于2019年9月推出了新款日产Patrol,这是一款豪华的旗舰SUV,具有高级设计和增强的上,下坡能力。Sila Sveta负责阿布扎比全球首演的舞台设计和视觉内容。这是该团队在阿联酋的第一个项目。


Nissan Patrol’s unique characteristics guarantee outstanding performance even in the most demanding driving conditions. Building upon the slogan ‘the Hero of All Terrain’, Sila Sveta created a dynamic visual sequence with the car driving through continuously changing landscapes, including deserts, forests, countryside hills, and modern city highways.
日产巡逻车的独特特性即使在最苛刻的驾驶条件下也能确保出色的性能。Sila Sveta以“全地形英雄”的口号为基础,创造了动态的视觉序列,汽车行驶在不断变化的景观中,包括沙漠,森林,乡村山丘和现代城市高速公路。

The warm orange and yellow palette, paired with the futuristic blue color, dominated the visuals, representing the contrasting landscapes of the UAE deserts and cities. Sand and neon lights became key symbols of the past and the present, history and modernity, respect for tradition and cutting-edge technologies that came together in the new Nissan Patrol design as well as in the culture of the region. The show guided the audience from the very first Patrol released in 1951 to the latest generation of Nissan SUVs.
温暖的橙色和黄色调搭配未来派的蓝色,在视觉效果上占据了主导地位,代表了阿联酋沙漠和城市的对比景观。沙色和霓虹灯成为过去和现在,历史和现代性,对传统和尖端技术的尊重的标志,这些都融入了新的Nissan Patrol设计以及该地区的文化中。该节目从1951年发布的第一款Patrol到最新一代的日产SUV,引导了观众。

‘We found a visual metaphor for the car’s versatility — fast flip transitions in the video sequence and a complex setup with kinetic elements’, says Sila Sveta’s creative director Arthur Kondrashenkov.
Sila Sveta的创意总监Arthur Kondrashenkov说:“我们发现了汽车的多功能性的视觉隐喻-视频序列中的快速翻转过渡以及带有动力学元素的复杂设置。”

The visuals were synchronized to appear simultaneously on three screens: one large curved LED screen and two smaller rectangular ones in front of it. The smaller screens were placed on the rotary tables that moved during the show. They played a crucial part in storytelling, concealing and revealing the cars on the stage according to the script. This multi-layered setup in combination with graphics created a unique 3D effect for the audience.

‘It was our first project in the UAE. Nissan Patrol is an iconic car for the region. It’s the favorite automobile of the political elite and it just had the first redesign in 9 years. That’s why this presentation became such an important event, comments Sila Sveta’s producer Anastasia Lepikhova. Our show demonstrated the new design of the interior and exterior elements, such as the new front grille, rear lamps and bumper, the hood and the fender, as well as the console with Nissan Intelligent Mobility features’.
'这是我们在阿联酋的第一个项目。日产巡逻车是该地区的标志性汽车。它是政治精英们最喜欢的汽车,并且刚刚进行了9年的首次重新设计。Sila Sveta的制片人Anastasia Lepikhova评论说,这就是为什么这次演讲如此重要的原因。我们的车展展示了内部和外部元素的新设计,例如新的前格栅,后灯和保险杠,引擎盖和挡泥板,以及具有日产Intelligent Mobility功能的控制台。
创意总监:Arthur Kondrashenkov
监制:Anastasia Lepikhova
艺术总监:罗曼·库兹米尼(Roman Kuzminykh),安东·阮(Anton Nguyen)
主管:安娜·罗迪奥诺娃(Anna Rodionova),安德烈·维亚兹尼科夫(Andrey Viaznikov)
概念艺术家:Tatiana Kazakova,Marina Mazina,Lizaveta Romanova,Veronika Boglay,Anastasia Nikiforova
CG艺术家:Alex Filiagin,Vsevolod Kanishchev,Madina Fattakhova,Maria Borisenkova,David Moshashvili,Ivan Zakharov,Alexey Kornev,Evgeny Zernov,Pavel Morozov,Stella Ilchenko,Andrey Kuznetsov,Arthur Nizamutdinov,Evgeny Verkhovtva
生产总监:Denis Sidorenko
执行制片人:Alexey Rozov,Alexander Us,Anastasia Filatova
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- LED拼接屏*3
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