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原创 临时 2019-12-05


客户 Client:见筑社 Archseeing Studio

展览 Exhibition:

一楼宇·动物园 2017 深圳香港城市/建筑双城双年展

“One-House Zoo” UABB

地点 Location:深圳 Shenzhen

时间 Year:2017



In the rapid development of urban development today, the problem of “village in the city” is plaguing more and more developing cities and even first-tier cities in China. Shenzhen is one of them. See the founding society to create a virtual urban village world by studying the living conditions of many urban villages and people in reality. In this world, there are more than 100 kinds of animals, many urban village spaces that have been deja vu and deliberately abstracted, and extended into eight stories with the meaning of the village.


受见筑社委托,signal alpha在梳理展览故事框架的基础上,融入了城中村独有的生活方式以及村中人的心理状态,建构了整个动物园的互动性。

Entrusted by Jianshe, signal alpha based on the framework of the exhibition story, trying to construct the interaction of the entire zoo through the daily topics unique to the village and the psychological state of the village.



Six large 3d printed animal heads came out from the window. Visitors in the distance could faintly hear Mr. Dog’s saying that “the clothes have finally dried up” and that Mr. Rat’s mouth was swallowed and said, “Good fragrance, next door. What kind of dish is the beetle burning?" Wait for the mantra. And with the animal's head half-bright and slowly moving, the rhythm is different.










Take Miss Beetle and Mr. Mouse as an example: When someone walks to the window of Miss Beetle and activates the sensor, the voice of the beetle is gradually faded out and the light is all bright. And enter the set conversation:

Miss Beetle: (Grilling sound) Oh, no salt, can this friend help me see the mouse next door?

The audience walked to the window of Mr. Rat, and the voice of Mr. Rat’s voice gradually faded out and his head lit up.

Miss Beetle: Rat brother, can you give me some salt? The salt in the house is gone.

Mr. Rat: Oh, I handed it to you from the window, you pick it up (the bottle can crash sound)

Miss Beetle: Thank you, I will still give you back.

Mr. Rat; um, nothing.

At the end of the conversation, the animal's headlights return to a semi-dark state, waiting for the next participant.


In the space, there is also a cat suddenly appearing or disappearing on the wall, sometimes hidden in the grass, and sometimes fishing on the other surface of the fish in the sky, very cute.



The device attempts to allow the visitor to naturally intervene in the interactive process with a new type of dialogue and form. Let the visitors become one of the conditions for the completion of the entire script.


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