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原创 长期 2019-12-05


客户 Client: 绿地 南昌 Green Land Group

展览 Exhibition:绣外慧中 Lace To Meet You

设计合作 Design Collaboration:冯晨,肖赛, Signal Alpha

地点 Location:南昌绿地马兰圩售楼处 Malanwei Centre, Greenland, Nanchang

时间 Year:2017



近至梁代画家画龙点睛的神庙, signal alpha从这些传世名作中感知艺术带来的震撼,以”瞳“为灵感,联合特邀设计师冯晨、肖赛与绿地南昌事业部,创造了一个室内空间可动瞳孔的装置实践项目——The Pupil。

Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures have always been the most magnificent treasures in the halls of human art. Venus in the Parthenon, the discus thrower who used the sculpture to conquer the movement, and Rao, who has a dramatic drama. The hole... is a masterpiece that people are familiar with, but the heroes of these sculptures seem to have no pupils! In China, there is also the temple of Liang Dai, the painter of the Liang Dynasty. The Pupil project is a combination of signal alpha and invited guest designers Feng Chen and Xiao Sai together with the Greenland Nanchang Division to create a kinetic lighting sculpture for an interior space.



The Pupil 装置位于绿地马兰圩永久售楼处主中庭。整个装置重达1.5吨,宽5米,纵跨整个中庭,通过数字模拟计算在高处悬挂了一个可动的机械瞳孔装置。从设计之初,设计团队重新计算了建筑结构来承受这个装置以及起后续运动所需的荷载,通过BIM信息模型进行现场动态效果调整以达到安装的精确度,同时结合机械实时同步技术,赋予这个变幻万象的瞳孔以生命,与它相视时,唤起我们眼中的光芒。

The Pupil installation is located in the main atrium of the permanent sales office in Malayan, Greenland. The entire unit weighs 1.5 tons and is 5 meters wide. It spans the entire atrium and is suspended by a digital mechanical simulation to hang a movable mechanical boring device. From the beginning of the design, the design team recalculated the building structure to withstand the load required for the device and subsequent movements. Through the BIM information model for on-site dynamic effects adjustment to achieve installation accuracy, combined with mechanical real-time synchronization technology, the entire atrium space has a built-in pupil.


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商业空间 机械装置 建筑结构 BIM信息模型 机械实时同步技术

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Signal alpha

Signal alpha


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