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原创 临时 2019-12-05


客户 Client: Textile Library

展览 Exhibition:绣外慧中 Lace To Meet You

地点 Location:杭州 嘉里中心 Kerry Center Hangzhou

时间 Year:2018


In 2016,Textile Library visited St. Gallen, a city in northeastern Switzerland, where the first embroidery machine and “chemical lace” were invented. Moved by the exquisite craftsmanship of St. Gallen lace and its roots in science and technology.


2018年,signal alpha受布料图书馆委托开始颠覆传统,用互动装置的手法着手探索传统的蕾丝文化与科技融合的魅力,让其以全新面貌与世人相见。

Lace Up由48只蕾丝立体单元组成,离地2米,单元内置灯光感应器。灯体外部材料为蕾丝和硫酸纸的结合,并采用定制的折纸工艺制作而成,悬挂于杭州下城区嘉里中心主中庭内。体验者只需打开手机闪光灯于底部一照,使其上升的同时也点亮绽放五彩斑斓的灯光效果,在昼与夜分别呈现不同形式的绚丽。

In 2018, the studio was commissioned by the Textile Library, and the goal was to explore the charm of traditional lace culture and technology integration by interactive installation. The Signal alpha and Textile Library combined with lace and sulphuric acid paper, employing a custom origami process to make 48 lace stereo units suspended in the main atrium of Kerry Centre, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou. The Lace Up consists of 48 units, 2 meters off the ground. The unit has a built-in light sensor. The participants turn on their mobile phone flash and place at the bottom to make it rise and simultaneously illuminate the colorful lighting effects. Different forms of beauty are presented in the night and the night.





灯光单元被众多闻讯赶来的体验者纷纷点亮,他们用手机捕捉灯光绽放的瞬间,在上升与下降中见证至美至幻的“蕾丝灯雨”。更有小朋友们被家长抱起,用稚小的小手拿着大大的手机挨个点着过去,一个也不愿意放过。在2018年的劳动节和商场商场络绎人流中,Lace Up 与热情的杭州市民们在举手之间,共同制造了年度最难以忘怀的独家记忆之一。

The height of the setting allows the participants to look up at 45 degrees in the process of lighting, and the lighting unit is lit up by coming people who hear the news. The units were rising and falling 12 hours per day. At the moment of lighting, some participant can't wait to open the phone to take pictures, for fear that the lights that are lit by themselves can't enter their own self-portrait pictures, and even the children are picked up by their parents and grandfathers, holding a big mobile phone with small hands and pointing at the past, one is not willing to let go.  Faced with a crowd of people in the mall, Lace Up obtained a lively and interesting experience during the 2018 Labor Day with the enthusiastic Hangzhou citizens.


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公共空间 商业空间 灯光感应 互动装置

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