- 视频
- 图片
- 行水圣殿
原创 临时 2019-12-05
客户 Client:Diameter Narrative,OCT
设计合作 Design Collaboration:Diameter Narrative、周文斗、Signal Alpha
地点 Location: 天津
时间 Year: 2018
The Temple of Canal explore the possibilities being immersed in flowing canal water or taking a ramble in canal water. The way how we understanding and utilizing water finally construct this art installation. The main structure of installation is a concentric ring of various sizes, which represents the water ripple pattern. The screens play a dynamic record of the of the Chinese grand canal surrounded by real-time music and lighting effect. Historical items suspended in the centre axis of the installation which carry the stories and memories of people on the canal. The installation build a new bond with the visitors and the changes of Grand Canal of China culture and the human wisdom condensed in Grand Canal for thousands of years.
The installation extracted the elements of water ripples in the canal, and to deconstruct and reconstruct the ripple pattern. Let it be a large suspension installation about 12 meters long and about 4 meters wide. Meanwhile, with the deconstruction more than 40 concentric rings, the real-time synchronous lighting effect was added to simulate the water ripple effect in the music interpretation of the 5.1 surround channel, which provides the visitors in a new way of immersion to experience the canal culture.
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