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- 雾非雾
原创 临时 2019-12-05
地点 Location: 宁波 Ningbo
时间 Year:2018
古人对雾的观察十分细致,诗人笔下把雾分成多种颜色,有白雾:“白雾埋阴壑,丹霞助晓光”;“寒阴白雾涌,飞度碧空前”;有黄雾:“山沉黄雾里,地尽黑云中”;还有红雾:“江边日出红雾散”、“暗穿红雾楼台晓”。如是等等,各具其美。在这些诗句中,signal alpha团队发现,雾始终是物与物之间塑造的一个极短时间的场所精神,而关于雾的描述其实离不开其置身的周边环境,如楼台、江边、山、地等。
The Chinese ancients described the mist very carefully. The poet wrote them into a variety of colors, with white、yellow、or even red. Each has its own beauty. In these verses, the signal alpha team found that the description of the fog is inseparable from the surrounding environment, including temples, rivers, mountains, and so on. Therefore, fog has always been shaped the space with unique spirit between the environment.
项目雾非雾由signal alpha 与 chenxia event 合作,在一个狭长的走道空间中,利用不同程度物理透明的材料,在一个室内空间中打造了另一个物理空间。由工作室自主研发的激光装置可将一束激光线编程为一条线面,再由线面变成拱。实时变化的激光面扫过空间中的物理造景,在造景中对空间进行寻觅扫描,穿透透明材料,即可在造景植物上留下轨迹,亦可将一些特殊材料点亮。让进入其中的参观者,如同置身阿凡达电影中潘多拉的夜晚,在雾中捕获神秘、梦幻、灵动。
In a long and narrow aisle space, signal alpha cooperates with CHENXIA EVENT to create a physical space constructed by different transparent levels physically materials. Two laser device has developed by the studio, which allows a laser to first program a line. Then, from a line surface to an arch, the real-time changing laser surface sweeps through the physical landscaping in the space. The light seems keep seeking for something by scan the objects in the space. penetrates the transparent material, and leaves a trajectory on the landscaping plant, or Some materials are illuminated by light, and visitors enter it as if they had entered the night of Pandora in the Avatar movie, mysterious, vital, and agile.
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