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原创 临时 2018-12-11


Obscura’s annual Winter Party is renowned for being one doozy of a shindig. Not only is it a showcase for the incredibly talented performers in our network, it’s also an opportunity for Obscura’s artists and technologists to show off their skills. Nearly everything that’s on display is created for the event, based on our chosen theme. This year’s was “Blade Runner: A Futuristic Vision”, and our team created some amazing animations and interactive experiences for it.

While past parties have seen curveballs like a projection-mapped petting zoo (no sheep were hurt in the process), interactive floors, and a mechanical bull, this year’s saw no shortage of surprises, including Taiko drummers, live-mixed audiovisual performances, acapella opera singers, aerialists, and stunning immersive projections that filled out the space.

The Obscura crew has deep roots in throwing large scale events, a dedication to high production values, and an amazing network of creative people, so it’s no surprise that the Winter Party has become a must-see Bay Area event. Obscura’s production team works for weeks to transform our headquarters into a magical environment for the night.


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