1. 视频
  2. 图片
Night Bright是为儿童咖啡馆设计的夜间互动装置

原创 临时 2018-12-10



Night Bright is an interactive installation of nocturnal discovery where children use their bodies to light up the nighttime forest and discover the creatures that inhabit it. Listening to the creatures' sounds children can locate them in the forest, as they play a nighttime game of hide and seek. Some creatures are curious and will investigate the light, while others are frightened and will hide in the shadows. Using their light, children can grow nocturnal plants and release fireflies from their flowers. The fireflies illuminate the environment and help locate the creatures hiding in the forest.

Night Bright was created for the Bumble children's cafe in Los Altos, California.

Music for the video documentation courtesy of Diederik Idenburg / M-OST Original Soundtracks.

/ Bumble Los Altos

/ MOST Original Soundtracks


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光艺术 儿童游戏 夜间互动

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