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Opening Ceremony IIHF World

原创 临时 2018-12-02


Radugadesign studio joined the preparation of the grand opening ceremony of the 2016 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship, at VTB Ice Palace. The director and ideologist of the ice events was the famous ice dancer, successful choreographer, ice show producer and 2002 Winter Olympic silver medallist Ilya Averbukh.

The show gathered together a real team of professionals. Radugadesign studio was responsible for the multimedia part. The producers have tried to show the temperament of hockey, walked through the important stages of the history of this fast and aggressive sport, and then looked into the future a bit, making the ice in a futuristic arena. 

Created by the studio 3D projection was accompanied by dancers throughout the performances and became the nucleus of the visual ice show. One of the leading hockey coaches Beso Tsintsadze helped to transform the very young players of the future in the present, and even went out on the ice, entered into a severe fight with the impregnable five-meter keeper.

The opening ceremony was awarded the highest ratings from both management IIHF, and from the audience. Radugadesign thanks everyone involved in this event!


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