- 视频
- 图片
- Extra Time opening show
分享 临时 2018-12-02
Audio-visual performance with L~N
From Nothing is a generative interactive project was made for purpose of visualization of the surreal 3d landscapes generated from the sound and the random noise of the space. Our life surrounded by infinity random events aware we of it or not. Every second million decisions around the world directly affect our lives, even in the invisible way. By visualizing the noise Vasily trying to raise awareness to that hidden part of our everyday life.
Shown at:
- “SPACE” at O Art Center in Shanghai in December 2017.
- JPL museum opening ceremony in Chengdu, April 2018.
- "Extra Time" opening, Shanghai, May 2018
The idea to use strong colors and generated landscapes not just to shape and play with the perception of the space, but more to make people feel the space and give them freedom for self-description of the work and self-imagination of the sound and environment.
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