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原创 临时 2018-12-02


In April 2017, American industrial designer Karim Rashid presented a design of kitchen furniture at the Trekhgornaya Manufaktura space. The kitchen was produced for the Russian company "Maria". 

In his work, Karim Rashid connects digital and physical worlds. 

The Radugadesign studio created an audiovisual performance in collaboration with the pianist and composer Nikola Melnikov. Expression at the junction of design and architecture, emphasizing the connection of two parallels. 

While creating this project, we were inspired by the three futuristic models of kitchens developed by Karim. Each of them was given a special part in the show. This way we saw and "heard" the Volna, Karma and Klutch kitchens.

PS. Keep calm because red is the best. Please use headphones and watch in 4K for the best experience.


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商业空间 实物投影 交互投影 带状结构 广告营销/活动

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