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Angle of view

原创 临时 2018-12-02


We all live in the same world, but not everyone can see what others see. The basic idea of central installation, around which is built the stand based on the fact that the company RVC has its own independent vision for the present and the future.

From a technical point of view, the robotic system "Motion control" located in the center of the space. And various three-dimensional arrangements presented randomly along the perimeter. 

The camera on the Motion control system can "look" at the structure from different points in space (different angles) and broadcast on the big screen. Thus we have the opportunity to see not chaos, but the "angle of view" of the company RVC.

Different key messages, supplemented with graphics, in conjunction with the kinetic action of the robotic system, what exactly reflects the spirit of the company and attracting focus the visitors on this installation throughout the exhibition.


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商业空间 广告营销/活动 Magic leap 场景模拟体验 平面投影

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