1. 视频
  2. 图片

原创 临时 2018-12-02


As part of our presence at the inaugural Retail Design Expo, we have created a space to stand out from the crowd, a conversation starter: experimental, innovative, playful, integrated, exploratory and, to many visitors, surprising.

The idea came from the work we created for Portuguese childrenswear brand Zippy dalziel-pow.com/blog/zippy-digital-installations-making, magnified here as a prototype to test ideas and push the range of interactions and feedback.

Screen-printed illustrations spring to life when touched, as conductive ink triggers a host of playful digital animations – a mix of informative and charming content, from product information to brand stories to chasing ducks.

Pushing the boundaries of storytelling within a space, the installation makes it fun and engaging, putting ideas before hardware.

A total of 48 interactions and over 100 unique animations make up the broad spectrum of content on the stand, from simple sound toys to more complex exchanges that layer projection mapping and movement around a physical space.

All created in-house at Dalziel and Pow with multi-disciplinary teams. Big thanks to Bare Conductive bareconductive.com/, K2Screen k2screen.co.uk/ and Ototo ototo.fm/ for their help.


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商业展览 互动墙 儿童互动 导电油墨

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