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原创 临时 2018-12-02






Immersive Classroom includes a front projection (7m*2.5m) and a floor projection (7m*4m). The immersive space also needs an interactive screen in the center, making it possible for teacher and students to control and select. 

CRE Imagination has already designed the first course for this classroom, Explore the Maritime Silk Road. There are five sections of this course. Other than the introduction and the lanes of the ancient Silk Road, the introduction of contemporary routes, the position of the top 50 harbors as well as the interactive practical period are also included.
Both the teacher and the students will use the course. After teaching by touching and selecting the content, teachers can invite students to come up to do quiz and answer their questions. The immersive space is good at showing the details about the harbors. Such as the climate, the history of the city, the volume of import and export, even the comparison of handling capacity between different ones. 

The whole process will become much more playful and easier to be understood. The direct ways to transfer knowledge will attract more students to take part in the class. Vivid description and demonstration will absolutely increase the efficiency of teaching.

In the future, CRE Imagination can develop more subjects for the Immersive Classroom, and our CMS system will allow us to update and manage content remotely.


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公共空间 科教/科研 实景空间 平面投影

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