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- 算法生物 -Algorithmic Menagerie
分享 临时 2018-12-02
Algorithmic Menagerie is a continuation of and the MFA thesis work of Kwok's long term research exploring artificial life and self-organization in the field of computer-based generative art.
Programmed in Processing, Algorithmic Menagerie is an interactive virtual environment inhabited by algorithmic creatures. These creatures with dynamic cellular structures are created using various methods of finite subdivision on geometric objects, and exhibit different kinds of biological interactions with each other, reaching an equilibrium within the simulated ecosystem. Audience participants are invited to intervene or interact in the life processes.
For the audio part of the project, Kwok collaborates with artist K. Michael Fox, who designs unique sonification rule for each species and sonifies the entire simulated eco-system in real-time using SuperCollider.Algorithmic Menagerie was premiered at The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) in March 2014.
算法生物 (Algorithmic Menagerie) 是郭锐文的硕士毕业作品,同时也是他在计算机生成艺术领域长期探索与研究人造生命模型与自组织结构的延续。基于Processing 语言编写,整个作品是一个完全互动的模拟生态环境,栖息了多种算法生物,这些生物动态增殖的细胞结构是通过对多种几何形进行有限递归细分而形成的。不同种类的算法生物也存在着独特的种间关系,达到整个模拟生态环境的平衡。此外,观众也可以一起参与到这一系列生命过程之中。
在作品的实时声音部分,郭锐文的合作者K. Michael Fox 使用SuperCollider 为这个模拟生态环境中的每一个物种设计了独特的数据到声音的映射规则。
算法生物于2014年3月在Curtis R. Priem 实验媒体与表演艺术中心(EMPAC)首次公开展出。-
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