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- Gamig Room x Adidas EQT
分享 临时 2018-11-30
Wanting to pay tribute to the icons of design and technology of the 90s, Adidas Originals suggested a travel through time from the 90s to nowadays, following the story of the EQT sneaker. For that we created the EQT Gaming Room, a space to travel to the most futuristic past and revive the golden age of the arcades.
EQT Gaming Room recreates the original 90scontext in which this sneaker model was born.
We designed videogames based in the classic arcade of that time (Arkandoid and a VR EQT Shooter) for the public to play with during the event. The attendees could also take and print a selfie in ASCII thanks to a Kinect connected to a hacked Spectrum console.
We also created VHS content according to the concept that was displayed in antique televisions distributed all around the room. For Inauguration Day, the public enjoyed a set by TJ Autoreverse. Lorenzo Chárlez Tape Jockey is the world’s only “pinchacintas”.
He mixes using tapes and walkmans, and offered a music selection in perfect harmony with EQT and the room’s concept. The room itself remained open all weekend, and countless people passed by to play with the arcades and enjoy the exposition about the history of the EQT.
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