1. 视频
  2. 图片

原创 临时 2018-11-30


Who are you, really? What part of your appearance is projection, what part is content, and what part is a mask or packaging? To what extent do external influences distort or modify the self-image and thereby shape one's vanity? 

This topic is projected by DISTORTED VANITY – like a picture puzzle between one's authentic physical identity and the digital presentation and modification of one's self-image. 

Two dancers appear as protagonists, projection area or instruments. Generative projections abstract their bodies and are simultaneously distorted by the impact of the soundscapes, created by steel, self-made sound sculptures. Physical expression, sound, and visual representation determine each other. 

By interplay, they create the synthesis of art, which represents the different stages of a human's life. Birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age and, finally, death.

The project was shown in various locations including the WISP Festival Leipzig and "Selfciety" media art exhibition @ Whitebox Gallery, Munich.


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