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原创 临时 2018-11-30
24 channel interactive sound & light installation
Lange Nacht der Museen 2017
P2A, Tiefgarage Schwabinger Tor, Munich
What message do we want to send to the world? How is it transformed when it returns to us? In the digital age, social media rules communication: spontaneous, stimulating and spread through different channels. We’re triggered by impulses, which are beyond our control and develop their own grotesque momentum.
This is the message behind DIGITAL ECHO by the artists Yves Peitzner und mayer+empl. The spatial installation is a stage in which visitors play dual roles. Space reacts to human. Human reacts to space. You are at once the stimulus and the spectator of a captivating, self-induced audiovisual experience.
At the entrance of the installation in the underground parking of P2A/Schwabinger Tor, visitors encounter a microphone. By speaking, shouting or screaming, the visitor provides an impulse, which is distorted and spread throughout the space.
Sound and light wander in synchrony from pillar to pillar. An uncontrollable digital echo is formed, which continuously returns – until the next impulse. Visitors are surrounded by waves of sound and light. They experience their own DIGITAL ECHO. In a new dimension.
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