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New Media Art——Cedar Point Reeds

原创 02-13

Cedar Point Reeds

Cedar Point Reeds 位于科罗拉多州丹佛市中心的第 15 街和加利福尼亚街的拐角处,是一个动态雕塑,展示了发生在 Cedar Point 风电场(丹佛以东 80 英里处的 252 兆瓦风电场)的风能和风能生产。构成艺术品的机械芦苇根据风电场发生的实时风速和方位移动。发电由芦苇的照明表示。

Cedar Point Reeds is a kinetic sculpture visualizing the wind and wind energy production occurring at the Cedar Point Wind Farm—a 252-megawatt wind farm 80 miles east of Denver. The mechanical Reeds that make up the artwork move based on the real-time wind speed and bearing occurring at the wind farm. The power generation is represented by the illumination of the Reeds.


As we are all part of creating our sustainable future, the sculpture responds as one approaches it. The reeds will gather and illuminate in front of you, representing how we fit into the bigger story of achieving a clean energy future.

Cedar Point Reeds 由 400 根芦苇制成——一种由 BREAKFAST 专门为丹佛 Block 162 的雕塑开发和创造的介质——它使用静音步进电机来安静平稳地来回移动元素。雕塑每分钟从互联网下载最新的风数据以更新雕塑,使其反映当前的风值。

Cedar Point Reeds is made of 400 Reeds—a medium developed and created by BREAKFAST specifically for this sculpture at Block 162 in Denver—which use silent stepper motors to quietly and smoothly move the elements back and forth. The sculpture downloads the latest wind data from the internet every minute to update the sculpture so it reflects the current wind values.

Cedar Point Reeds 由 Reeds 制成——一种由 BREAKFAST 开发的静音电动介质。
Cedar Point Reeds is made of Reeds — a silent motorized medium developed by BREAKFAST.

雪松点芦苇马达、亚克力、软件、相机、电脑30 英尺 x 7.5 英尺 x 6 英尺,展出于2021年
Cedar Point ReedsMotors, acrylic, software, camera, computer30 ft x 7.5 ft x 6 ft ,Executed in 2021

BREAKFAST 是一家位于布鲁克林的机器人动力艺术工作室,由艺术家 Andrew Zolty 和 Mattias Gunneras 领导。该工作室成立于 2009 年,专注于创作由软件和硬件驱动的前瞻性艺术作品,通过互动体验将观众与遥远的地方联系起来,并讲述我们瞬息万变的世界的精彩故事。该工作室的实践采用了计算机科学、机械工程和俏皮、感人的美学的独特融合,邀请观众反思物理、数字、全球和亲密之间的关系——以及它们之间不断发展的关系。信息时代的人体与技术创新。

BREAKFAST is a Brooklyn-based robotic kinetic art studio led by artists Andrew Zolty and Mattias Gunneras. The studio, started in 2009, is focused on creating forward-looking software-and-hardware-driven artworks that connect viewers to far-away places through interactive experiences, and tell powerful stories about our rapidly-changing world. The studio's practice employs a unique blend of computer science, mechanical engineering, and playful, emotionally-striking aesthetics to invite audiences to reflect on the relationship between the physical, the digital, the global, and the intimate—as well as the evolving relationships between human bodies and technological innovation in the Information Age.

ARTRECODE隶属于飞扬萝卜(北京)数字科技有限公司。集合全球顶级数字媒体艺术家、设计师及开发者;整合艺术、科技和文化产业内容创新,打造全球最具商业生态价值的数字艺术平台。ArtRecode持续内容创新及应用,客户涵盖文旅、城市升级、公共空间、文化演绎、商业地产等,业务包括项目策划、设计、开发、实施、运营... 为客户提供全链数字媒体实验艺术解决方案。

ARTRECODE belongs to Feiyang Radish (Beijing) Digital Technology Co., LTD. It gathers the world's top digital media artists, designers, and developers; ArtRecode integrates art technology and cultural industry content innovation, creating the world's most commercial ecological value of digital art platform ArtRecode continuous content innovation and application, customers cover cultural tourism city upgrade public space cultural interpretation commercial real estate, business including project planning, design, development, implementation, and operation... To provide customers with full chain digital media experimental art solutions.


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