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Immersive Art —— AS WATERFALLS

原创 02-13

在所有地球元素中,水是最能将我们团结在一起的元素。 它是所有形式生命的基础,体现了对我们的存在至关重要的各种概念:活力、连续性、可持续性、净化和成长。

From all earthly elements, water is the one that unites us all best. It is at the basis of life in all its forms, and embodies various concepts crucial to our very existence: vitality, continuity, sustainability, purification, and growth.

Irregular 作为一个经常探索与自然相关主题的新媒体艺术工作室,对水的吸引力在许多作品中回荡也就不足为奇了。

As a new media art studio that often explores nature-related themes, it is no surprise that our attraction to water reverberates in many of our works.

AS WATERFALLS 是一个虚拟互动瀑布,旨在探索水的不同方面及其隐喻概念,阐明我们与这一宝贵元素的关系。 一个大型装置,采用级联的形式,对手机手电筒做出反应。 还包括添加的镜子、真水和振动电机,以提供更加身临其境的体验。

AS WATER FALLS is a virtual interactive waterfall that aims to explore different aspects of water and its metaphorical concepts, shedding a light on our relationship with this precious element. A large-scale installation taking the form of a cascade, the piece reacts to mobile phone flashlights. Added mirrors, real water, and vibrating motors are also included to make for an even more immersive experience.

听起来和看起来就像一个巨大的天然瀑布,当人们走近时会很快意识到流淌的水实际上是大量的物体和概念。会激起观众的好奇心。 通过作品本身内嵌的内在说明,观众将很容易理解如何参与,并将他们的移动手电筒指向显示的不同视觉效果,从而开始体验。

Sounding and looking like a big natural waterfall, people will swiftly realize as they get closer that the water flowing is actually a plethora of objects and concepts that are sure to pique their curiosity. With inherent instructions embedded within the piece itself, participants will easily understand how to engage and will embark on the experience by pointing their mobile flashlight toward the different visuals displayed.


The waterfall theme was purposely chosen to highlight the power of this natural phenomenon, helping us make a statement on this element’s immense importance. The title also adds movement to the piece from the get-go, hinting to the many interactive possibilities that can occur “as waterfalls”.


Designed for crowds of all ages, this engaging multi-layered installation will bring people to the great outdoors and help us once again reconnect with the simple pleasures of mother nature.


2022 _ Hub Montréal _ Montréal, CA

2022 _ Place des Arts _ Montréal, CA

2022 _ Forest Springs _ Bracknell, UK

数字艺术工作室 Iregular 于 2010 年在蒙特利尔成立,致力于打造视听装置、大型雕塑、建筑投影和布景,专注于互动和身临其境的体验。 在艺术与技术的十字路口,他们的作品尝试了几何、光、声音、排版、数学、算法、通信协议、人工智能和机器学习,并且开发了自己的专有技术。

Founded in Montreal in 2010, digital art studio Iregular creates audiovisual installations, large-scale sculptures, architectural projections and scenographies, with a focus on interactive and immersive experiences. At the crossroads between art and technology, these artworks experiment with geometry, light, sound, typography, mathematics, algorithms, communication protocols, AI, and machine learning. Iregular also develops its own proprietary technologies.


The studio works with the infinite and random combinations produced by interactive systems that the audience ultimately influences and transforms. The interaction is at the core of it all. It is only the relationship between the people and the piece that finalizes the artwork and gives it meaning.

Iregular 的作品已在 25 个国家/地区展出,主要包括在荷兰 Van Abbemuseum 的个展、在蒙特利尔的 5 个个展,以及在 Mutek(蒙特利尔和墨西哥)、BIAN(蒙特利尔)、Mapping Festival( 瑞士)、编年史双年展(法国)、LEV Festival(西班牙)、Draaimolen(荷兰)、Elektra(蒙特利尔)、Glow(荷兰)、Lumiere(英国)、迪拜设计周(阿联酋)、B39(韩国) 、Arttech(哥伦比亚)、Festival du Nouveau Cinéma(蒙特利尔)和 Aurora Festival(美国)。 他们的作品还被芝加哥(美国)的 WNDR 博物馆、麦德林(哥伦比亚)的 Museo de Antioquia 和蒙特利尔的 Collection du Mouvement Desjardins 收藏。

Iregular’s work has been shown in 25 countries, notably including a solo exhibition in the Van Abbemuseum in the Netherlands, 5 solo exhibitions in Montreal, as well as other important presentations at Mutek (Montreal and Mexico), BIAN (Montreal), Mapping Festival (Switzerland), Chroniques Biennale (France), LEV Festival (Spain), Draaimolen (The Netherlands), Elektra (Montreal), Glow (The Netherlands), Lumiere (United Kingdom), Dubai Design Week (UAE), B39 (South Korea), Arttech (Colombia), Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (Montreal), and Aurora Festival (USA). Their creations are also in the collections of the WNDR museum in Chicago (USA), the Museo de Antioquia in Medellín (Colombia) and the Collection du Mouvement Desjardins in Montreal.

ARTRECODE隶属于飞扬萝卜(北京)数字科技有限公司。集合全球顶级数字媒体艺术家、设计师及开发者;整合艺术、科技和文化产业内容创新,打造全球最具商业生态价值的数字艺术平台。ArtRecode持续内容创新及应用,客户涵盖文旅、城市升级、公共空间、文化演绎、商业地产等,业务包括项目策划、设计、开发、实施、运营... 为客户提供全链数字媒体实验艺术解决方案。

ARTRECODE belongs to Feiyang Radish (Beijing) Digital Technology Co., LTD. It gathers the world's top digital media artists, designers, and developers; ArtRecode integrates art technology and cultural industry content innovation, creating the world's most commercial ecological value of digital art platform ArtRecode continuous content innovation and application, customers cover cultural tourism city upgrade public space cultural interpretation commercial real estate, business including project planning, design, development, implementation, and operation... To provide customers with full-chain digital media experimental art solutions.


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