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- 布里斯托尔数据穹顶 / 沉浸式媒体
Bristol Data Dome is the UK’s first full dome planetarium adapted for the presentation of media and live data. As part of the Bristol is Open project, the dome is intended to be used for visualising complex experiments, creating interactive virtual reality environments and providing individual audience members with their own unique viewpoint. We were commissioned by Future Cities Catapult (the government agency for the use of public data) to create the launch content and media workflow demonstrations to showcase the potential of the space.
布里斯托尔数据穹顶是英国第一个专为展示媒体和实时数据而改造的全穹顶天文馆。作为“布里斯托尔开放”项目的一部分,该穹顶旨在用于可视化复杂实验,创建交互式虚拟现实环境,并为每位观众提供他们独特的视角。我们受Future Cities Catapult(公共数据使用政府机构)委托,创建发射内容和媒体工作流程演示,以展示该空间的潜力。
Geo-mapped Data
Two experiences were created - the first a linear film that introduced data and the city to a general audience. The other uses a games engine and the same data sets to create a 3D model of the city with geo-mapped data that users can explore in realtime, triggering animations and pulling in live data as they go.
两个体验被创建 - 第一个是一个线性电影,将数据和城市介绍给普通观众。另一个使用游戏引擎和相同的数据集创建城市的3D模型,带有地理映射数据,用户可以在实时中探索,触发动画并拉入实时数据。
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