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原创 2024-05-23

1733 全新的商业模式,独特的趣味空间。

1733: A New Commercial Model with Unique and Fun Spaces.

1733 商业空间,是具有全新的生活品质的打卡地,充满科技感的UFO入口。引领探索未知的领域。

1733 Commercial Space is a landmark for a new quality of life, featuring a futuristic UFO entrance that beckons visitors to explore unknown realms.

炫酷的环形艺术,是连通室内外的主要枢纽。线性的环形灯光强化空间的沉浸式体验。The dazzling circular art installation serves as the central hub, seamlessly connecting indoor and outdoor areas. Linear ring lighting enhances the immersive experience of the space.

临近入口,进入其中,你会发现来自各个时空的交汇。As you step inside, you’ll discover a confluence of different eras and dimensions.

在1733商业的周围是各大互联网聚集地,同时周边拥有26所知名大学。而这就意味着周边全都是青春有活力的年轻人,高智力人才的聚集地,是“同学”的简称。Surrounding 1733 Commercial Space are numerous tech hubs and 26 prestigious universities, creating an environment brimming with energetic, youthful individuals and highly intelligent talents, collectively known as "Peers."

而我们要做的是让这些“同学”在工作以外如何感受生活、享受生活。有趣地度过属于自己的闲暇时光。Our goal is to help these "Peers" enjoy and fully embrace life beyond their work. They can spend their leisure time in engaging and fulfilling ways.

走进商业中庭,带你体验不一样的商业氛围,炫酷的互动装置,可以呈现不同的视频演绎及动态的变化,具有绝佳的拍照打卡的机位,炸裂的你朋友圈。Upon entering the commercial atrium, you'll be enveloped in a distinctive commercial atmosphere, highlighted by striking interactive installations that display various videos and dynamic changes. These installations provide excellent photo opportunities, making it an ideal spot for social media.

互动装置的拆解,以固定的单元模块进行统一的拼装组合,实现有节奏有规律的起伏变化,可根据商业模式的需求进行互动性的视频内容播放。The interactive installations are constructed from fixed modular units, assembled uniformly to create rhythmic and orderly undulations. They can display interactive video content tailored to the commercial model's needs.

“回”形电梯厅的灯光设计,使空间更具有科技感,干净整洁的灯光线条是空间的重要元素,经过多轮的实验测试,才达到了线性灯最佳的无缝拼接灯光效果,保证的灯光的一致性。The "回"-shaped elevator hall's lighting design adds a technological flair to the space. Clean, orderly light lines are a crucial element, achieving the optimal seamless lighting effect through extensive experimental testing to ensure consistency.


Breaking away from conventional thinking, the restrooms are not merely functional but also serve as popular photo-taking spots. From the entrance to the interior, the restrooms are uniformly equipped with fixed square lighting modules. The new concept for the restrooms is clean, bright, and sleek.


The cozy and charming mother-and-baby room, adorned with pink wall decorations and soft lighting, offers customers the best experience.

光是空间的一种元素,也是不可或缺的一种材质。灯光越来越不仅仅用于基础照明的作用,而是可以给人带来更多特殊的情绪价值。灯光在空间里多形式的组合,就可以让空间变得趣味、生动、别具一格。Light is an element of the space and an indispensable material. It is increasingly used not only for basic illumination but also to evoke special emotional value. The diverse combinations of lighting in the space make it interesting, vibrant, and unique.


Lighting meets spiritual and emotional needs, conveying the art of light and life through the multifaceted elements within the space.





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